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Topic Title: Wedgy happiness
Topic Summary: A quality and very welcome southern hemisphere swell.
Created On: 04/19/2024 10:21 PM
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 04/19/2024 10:21 PM
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    There was a good video the day before, but Brad Jacobson had slightly better conditions to catch.
    As usual, trying to use surfboards (I saw a bunch of soft ones) is asking for getting dumped. There's a bit of very good bodyboarding; only spotted one bodysurfer. Big crowd. I wonder whether the jetties on the other side of Newport Beach were busy.

Edited: 04/24/2024 at 11:02 AM by ww
 04/20/2024 10:03 PM
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    Brent Weldon, too. A half hour. The Washington Post just ran a story on the greatest bull rider, ever, now retired because repairs to his broken neck meant that next tme he'd land on his head, he'd be paralyzed or dead. I think the odds are a lot better here, but...
    Raw Beefs. Some very good "wavescapes" showing wave action and the huge amounts of whitewater running up onshore.

Edited: 04/20/2024 at 11:20 PM by ww
 04/24/2024 07:25 AM
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    The opening 58 seconds is a visually magnificent sunrise. The rest, assorted fog or lack of it. Raw Beefs has a bit of that same footage but doesn't show it off as well. Interesting what color grading and cropping can do to video.

Edited: 04/24/2024 at 07:35 AM by ww
 04/24/2024 10:25 AM
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    Now, Koa Smith with a video, recommended by a Wedge expert who commented that the Wedge's side wave was working well (yes!) and from that point of view it was an exceptional swell.
FORUMS : Surfing : Wedgy happiness

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