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Topic Title: Cocoa Beach Fecal Pollution
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Created On: 04/24/2023 12:31 PM
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 04/30/2023 07:59 AM
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Originally posted by: fishomo haha there are over 14,810 Posts of me following men over in NSR haha
and the rest are now out here. what kinda man following mental illness you got
 05/01/2023 07:34 AM
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Originally posted by: tom

Cole, sliding scale to accommodate natural background. Beaches 70 coliform/100ml before "poor" water quality, pools should have no more than 4, tap water should have zero. You get the idea.

Yep, makes sense.

My next question: What exactly is treated sewage?

I smell some serious rank when they coat the sod fields with biosolids, aka human dookie. Pardon the crass language, but it smells like shit. Open sewer style.

I was right.

Edited: 05/01/2023 at 07:35 AM by Cole
 05/01/2023 08:04 AM
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Biosolids baby! Sewage treatment yields reclaimed water, largely used for irrigation with some use as drinking water, and biosolids. Biosolids are the residual cellulose, some protein and mineral content, etc. of the other half (not volumetrically) of what goes down the drain. Low in nitrogen, high in phosphorus, it's used as a soil amendment. Excess application was causing blue green blooms in the upper St. Johns due to excess phosphorus. And yes, it's pretty stinky stuff! https://static.sjrwmd.com/sjrw...ications/SJ2021-03.pdf

add a signature since I'm here in profile anyway
 05/01/2023 04:57 PM
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The Kissimmee river is something special after a hard rain. Biosolids, cow crap and God knows what else from the sod farms. A putrid soup that makes nice fat algae.

I was right.
 05/02/2023 03:38 PM
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All those Biosolids make for the best mud boogieboardin'... take it from StirBoogieMcMagaDerp - he's the biosolid boogieboarding authority yo!



Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 05/02/2023 09:02 PM
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Originally posted by: fishomoEscapesNSR I tell everyone i'm not gay, butt i'll stalk you tpap and FK- to the ends of this earth- and post shirtless man gifs all fuggin day
 05/05/2023 06:18 AM
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As a 70's kid, I find that quicksand terrifying. Now just toss in a few Satanists, and my dreams will be full of terror.

I was right.
 05/20/2023 05:09 AM
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Will be interesting to see if there is another spike following the boat races this weekend

"If I say it's safe to surf this beach, captain, then it's safe to surf this beach!"
FORUMS : Surfing : Cocoa Beach Fecal Pollution

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