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Topic Title: A garage surf business in Costa Mesa
Topic Summary: Getting rid of wax
Created On: 11/29/2022 08:24 PM
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 11/29/2022 08:24 PM
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Joined Forum: 08/17/2007

    I got a GryptaLite clear (but slightly foggy) plastic sheet custom-shaped for a bodyboard earlier this year. Applied to a relatively modest board from eBodyboarding, it worked. The detailed instructions and needed items included in shipping suggested that whoever was behind this small outfit might be an engineer. I thought to check, and sure enough, it's a scientist in a garage.
The Inertia, 2020.
    On the side, I was plagued for years by dizziness upon getting up from prone or kneeling. It's faded. Find mushy days for playing with a surfboard?
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