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Topic Title: Old, recent, playing with new editing tools
Topic Summary: Into 2024 but almost no surf photography this year
Created On: 06/25/2020 10:22 PM
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 12/25/2022 05:08 PM
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Re-edits of a wave that ended with a broken board at Sebastian Inlet, Jan. 24, 2020. A bit sharper, noise removed. Editing software keeps getting better.
 12/25/2022 05:50 PM
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Another from Jan 24, 2020. Good afternoon light.
 12/29/2022 01:53 AM
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    inexplicably popular at Flickr. A palm-lined walk at Heathcote Botancial Gardens, leading to the little Rain Forest, behind a lighted gateway.
    here were endless problems with getting programmed floodlights to work in this area. As if there were an electronics curse. This night was looking pretty good.

Edited: 04/08/2023 at 01:38 AM by ww
 01/04/2023 06:56 AM
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That's quite the tombstone for a Florida wave!

I was right.
 01/10/2023 05:37 AM
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    New, longer model. Only one size, 10, is available, and then only by invitation--Yucca is checking to see how users like them before going ahead with full scale production. The "beige" color, really a soft yellow, looks sort of yucky under artificial light, beautiful in clear water on a sunny day.
    Update: Yucca will be selling the longblades when the summer container of fins arrives. They passed the user test.

Edited: 04/08/2023 at 01:39 AM by ww
 01/10/2023 05:42 AM
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    Fin comparisons. Leblon (no longer available) is at top, yellow with red. Viper Vector V-7 yellow. It's an especially long fin, long popular with California bodysurfers and lifeguards, now almost disappeared. Yucca longblade, looking kind of brown under the light. Viper regular model.
    View from above, same order.
 01/10/2023 06:03 AM
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    Re-edited from Jan 24, 2022. Serious surf housing.
    Another fresh edit
 01/10/2023 06:11 AM
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    Messy but kind of interesting. Also a Jan 24 2020 update

Edited: 01/10/2023 at 06:16 AM by ww
 01/10/2023 11:38 PM
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    Back to last month, a flowering Bougainvillea bonsai decked with lights at Heathcote Botanical Garden in Fort Pierce.
    This big concrete gorilla showed up in a Fort Pierce warehouse. It was ugly when donated to Heathcote Garden, then a local artist clothed it in fragments of old coffee cups, tiles, and some glass. It was given color-changing lights.
 01/14/2023 05:08 AM
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    Update of an interesting but poor-light photo from Feb 25, 2017 at Cape Hatteras. Gulf Stream was working wonders on water temperature, but only two guys were skinning it, rest full wetsuits.

Edited: 01/14/2023 at 05:09 AM by ww
 01/14/2023 05:19 AM
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    More cats at Heathcote Botanical Garden. Both showed up recently, both were only slowly tolerated by the resident cat. Now the resident cat is interacting with them, a bit, and the black and white one (dubbed "Buddy") is seeking out people for petting. Not easy to take a photo of a cat that's rubbing your pants. Creamsicle colored one will put up with being looked at with a camera. She answers to Sugar. It seems she's an older cat, perhaps stray, perhaps dumped at the garden.

Edited: 03/01/2023 at 01:21 AM by ww
 01/17/2023 05:44 PM
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    This photo of a gumbo-limbo branch weighed down with lots of fruits, taken this fall at Vero South Beach, got a fair amount of attention, so here it is.
 01/23/2023 10:41 AM
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    A casual Newport Wedge photo (June 3 2021). Kid, dog, beach. What's not to like, other than the cloud layer.
    I didn't notice the checkered socks until doing editing. This has been a popular item at Flickr. I think it's the pup.

Edited: 04/08/2023 at 04:05 AM by ww
 03/01/2023 01:24 AM
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    Old Havana, calle Neptuno at calle Escobar panorama. Tour group's taxi. The crowd is at a Panadería. Feb. 2023.
    The Panaderia crowd, earlier
    Second and third floor of a building on Calle Neptuno.

Edited: 03/01/2023 at 01:37 AM by ww
 03/01/2023 01:43 AM
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An accidental video from The Wedge. I was eyeing the rip current along the long jetty through my camera viewfinder when a kid showed up, so video turned on and a little story played out. The kid, and a friend (who you see at the end) had been out for a swim/bodysurf and were obviously competent. But it's easy to make a beginner's mistake with a rip, like not exactly realizing what's going on. Lifeguard's handling was great.
 03/01/2023 02:26 AM
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    Moon with Jupiter Feb. 22 2023

Edited: 03/14/2023 at 08:36 PM by ww
 03/02/2023 07:17 PM
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    Colpothrinax wrightii, palma barrigona in western Cuba on a farm, next to a tomato patch.

Edited: 04/08/2023 at 01:42 AM by ww
 03/14/2023 08:32 PM
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Wabasso beach park, May 2021. He was getting frustrated by both the non-breaking waves and Sargassum, which was coating the beach.

Edited: 03/14/2023 at 08:33 PM by ww
 03/16/2023 02:40 AM
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    Baby Coccothrinax and mature ones in a serpentine barren, western Cuba (Pinar del Río). We have a native Coccothrinax from Palm Beach County southward, likes beach areas, worth growing in places like Satellite Beach. Cuba has a whole bunch of species, some with tiny distributions.
 03/17/2023 07:45 PM
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Quemado de Güines, Villa Clara Province, north coast east of Havana. Founded 1667. St Augustine's a lot older.

Edited: 03/17/2023 at 07:47 PM by ww
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