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Topic Title: So, as if synthetic meat was not bad enough, , , , , ,
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Created On: 05/05/2024 07:36 AM
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 05/05/2024 07:36 AM
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The Wall Street Journal

Why You May Soon Be Drinking Synthetic Coffee

Christopher Mims
Fri, May 3, 2024 at 9:00 PM EDT·7 min read

Your typical morning cup of coffee is a social and environmental disaster - but you'll soon have the option to start sipping something less harmful: synthetic coffee.

Worldwide, people consume two billion cups of coffee a day. Given that the average Arabica tree produces only one to two pounds of coffee a year, that means every two-cup-a-day coffee drinker requires continuous production from around 20 coffee trees.

The intense demand for coffee has driven mass deforestation, poverty wages for farmers who see little of the rising prices for their commodity, and substantial carbon emissions due to both production and long supply chains. Research suggests that around half of the land best suited to growing coffee will become unsuitable for that purpose by 2050, thanks to climate change. In Brazil, that figure reaches 88%.

For all of these reasons, at least a half-dozen companies are using biotechnology and food science to replace the coffee in your cup with something that lacks all that baggage, and isn't nearly as vulnerable to climate change. This pseudo-coffee can be made from a variety of ingredients, including chickpeas and "upcycled" agricultural waste like date pits. Other approaches use lab-grown cells from actual coffee plants. Companies like Voyage Foods, Minus Coffee, Atomo, Prefer, Stem and Northern Wonder have all either begun selling, or are working on, so-called beanless coffee alternatives.

One of the world's largest food companies, Cargill, has taken notice, and recently signed a deal to become the exclusive business-to-business distributor of beanless-coffee maker Voyage Foods' cocoa- and nut-free products.

Dora Hates You

Edited: 05/05/2024 at 08:46 AM by dingpatch
 05/05/2024 07:56 AM
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Global warming is a Liberal hoax, or so I've heard. I do find it funny that all the weird stuff that was predicted from climate change 100 years ago is coming true. Ocean currents slowing, Tropical diseases moving north, birds migrating higher, fish being seen where they never existed before, vegetation no longer growing in once established areas, heavier rain in some places, less rain in others; it's an odd coincidence, isn't it!

I was right.
 05/06/2024 12:25 PM
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Life will be quite miserable under prog rule. Basically, if you enjoy something you will have to forgo it.

I :heart; Q
 05/06/2024 02:48 PM
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Listen to these qonspercy qooks too long and your brain will resemble this "mystery" substance folks.
Anybody remember the whole "pink slime" kerfuffle little while back?
Taqo smell and others using some meat derived substance they pass off as "ground beef"?
Howz boutz "parts is parts"? Chicken mcmystery meatish....substance?
But then: these are the same inbred magat dimwits who think chemtrails are spraying shit into our drinking water to make maga men even more effeminate.
oh and: all the frogs have done gone gay....just ask eminent scientist and rocket surgeon Alex Jones.
Why, they gather in fat gay gary's backyard swamp/ swimmin' hole to drive him crazy with bette midler and manilow show tunes!!!!!!!
it's all a liberal PLOT!......

It's a democratic hoax
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