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Topic Title: 'No (expletive) way! I would never do that': Senator's surprise for Schiff - first-hand testimony of Trump's own words
Topic Summary: I guess this guy is a liar as well???
Created On: 11/19/2019 06:07 AM
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 11/19/2019 03:43 PM
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Fish Killer

Posts: 71439
Joined Forum: 10/09/2005

Originally posted by: Greensleeves

Ronald "McDonald"Johnson is a climate denying clown with a degree in accounting. He's in his middle 60s and showing signs of senility.

tspank assumes wrong about most things but especially when it comes to Americans knowing about what passes as alternate facts in the fetid stench that is the right wing propaganda machine.

You do realize that this is FIRST hand testimony from a VERY credible witness that DISCREDITS all of what your ILK claim....


It's not second, third or fourth hand as that is what your ILK has paraded before the bull crap kangaroo witch hunt so far.

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
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