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Topic Title: LegoLand
Topic Summary: Visited the new lego theme park, formerly Cypress Gardens
Created On: 02/20/2012 06:00 AM
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 02/20/2012 06:00 AM
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Central Floridave

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Sunday, Feb 19. Weather was bad as it was really windy and squally. Also it was hot around the lower 80's. We only got rained on once but there was always a threat. Regardless we had fun. The park is geared for younger children and they advertised 2-12 years old. My son is 14 and a little bit out of the age group, but we found plenty of fun things to do. I wanted to see if they kept the Botanical Garden section (and they did). Some fun roller coasters, people watching, and a ton of kids yelling and screaming around! It was pretty crowded also, but not too bad. It seems like the park is fairly popular and they have expansions planned in the future.

Or course, the main theme is Legos. There are numerous lego structures throughout the park.

Mini-land was pretty cool.

Daytona 500 in next weekend!

Space Shuttle made of legos

SoBe Miami

 02/20/2012 06:06 AM
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Central Floridave

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The White House

Lincoln Memorial

Oh look who is coming down the street!

We got lucky and saw the President motorcade!

 02/20/2012 06:14 AM
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Central Floridave

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View from Arlington National Cemetary

New York, New York

San Fran

Ye Olde Towne

Treasure hunting over a ship wreck. Watch out for the hammerhead!

Nice waterfall (not made of legos, but the otter are)

And deer...

One of many rollercoasters. These are perfect coasters and none are overly intense. Think 2 to 12 years old. They are good warm-ups for the more intense roller coasters that we have at the numerous other theme parks. I still saw many people intimidated by them, and numerous little kids crying as they were strapped in and carried away!

 02/20/2012 06:53 AM
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Central Floridave

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They left the historic botanical garden untouched. It looked good in there considering it was mid-feb. Lotsa tropicals are surviving and I would have thought the past two winters and being unkept with Cypress Gardens closing that many of the same plants would be gone. But, it looked exactly the same as it did the last time I was here about 8 years ago, give or take a year. It is also kind of cool they kept the Cypress Gardens name on it.

Southern Belles still grace the garden...

How classic is this one? Go back and find old Cypress Garden photos of early last century and it would look the same. Except the lady is plastic now (sign of the times?)

The same sign survives! Cypress trees standing in the lake.

The huge Banyan Tree that was planted in 1920 something still stands.

Its incredible to walk under this thing. Its mind blowing on how big it is. Photos don't do it justice.

Pretty flower.

There is my son laying in the lawn. Crying to try to make me hurry up as I was a slow poke walking thru the garden and taking about 200 photos. LOL...I also have a hurt ankle and had to walk slow. That is tough on a kid.... (actually they were patient, Thanks Amy and Logan!)

Still had a ski show albeit lego man theme.

Cool lego car

Good indication on how crowded it was and the weather, and you can see they still have that Cypress Garden holdover of the crane that lifts you up and spin around. Great view from up there! It was closed today due to the weather.

Lego creatures all over the park. Next to an old-school wooden roller coaster.

Yes, this is made completly of legos:

LOL, a lego statue of me! If you go to Legoland bring a kid and a camera.

2-12 years old? Here are 3 kids enjoying themselves for a great family outing. Photo of legoland auto-captured going down a rollercoaster.

/*The End*/

 02/20/2012 09:33 AM
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Posts: 3507
Joined Forum: 03/20/2005

Great shots, Dave, Thanks for sharing.

I sent this thread to my son in Jacksonville, maybe he'd like to bring Grayson who is 11 to see the park!!!
 02/20/2012 10:14 AM
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Central Floridave

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It was a two hour drive for us, but I think it is worth it. Look for a discount on tickets and go on a non-holiday weekend and you may get less of a crowd. I thought it was too crowded and the kids running around are crazee but well-behaved on the most part. I'm glad to see they saved the gardens!

I posted 64 higher resolution photos of the botanical garden here on the Croton Forum if you want to check them out :

 02/20/2012 05:34 PM
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Cool.  Thanks for sharing.

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