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Topic Title: Rhonda might hate children
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Created On: 04/29/2024 08:12 AM
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 04/29/2024 08:12 AM
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Florida 'callously' strips healthcare from thousands of children despite new law

Florida is continuing to "callously" strip healthcare coverage from thousands of children in lower-income households in defiance of a new federal law intended to protect them.

Since 1 January, more than 22,500 children have been disenrolled from Florida KidCare, its version of the Children's Health Insurance Program (Chip) that is jointly subsidized by states and the US government for families with earnings just above the threshold for Medicaid.

US congresswoman Kathy Castor, however, says the state's illegal dropping of enrolled children, and other recent developments - namely Florida's six-week abortion ban that will take effect on Wednesday - prove the state is more determined to restrict healthcare than expand it.

Castor said, "Hypocrisy abounds. On the ability of women to control when they have kids, and if they have kids, the state of Florida and Ron DeSantis says: 'You have to have children, you have to'.

"Then if you have a child, it says: 'OK, you're on your own,' even in the face of a new federal law. All of the research shows that if children get the care they need, especially in their early years, they're going to be more successful in school, have higher reading scores, higher graduation rates, they'll be more productive in life.

"This is a self-inflicted wound on the ability to have a healthy, functioning state of Florida."


 04/29/2024 08:24 AM
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Some 3rd world bullshit going on in here.

"Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit"
 04/29/2024 08:54 AM
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'OK, you're on your own,'
That's right. I am not in the business of taking care of other people's children. If you generous progs want to subsidize someone else's children, have at it. If you don't, then you are the problem, not DeSantis. And parents who have children in this program, pay the premium that you agreed to pay. If you don't give a damn about your kids, neither do we. Thanks, Ron, for saving us all some bucks.

I :heart; Q
 04/29/2024 09:59 AM
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Stay classy Pabs.

"Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit"
 04/29/2024 10:05 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck
Stay classy Pabs.

Pro-birthers don't care

about the lives of babies or children

when they are out of the womb.


 04/29/2024 10:48 AM
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Originally posted by: Pagerow
Originally posted by: RustyTruck Stay classy Pabs.
Pro-birthers don't care about the lives of babies or children when they are out of the womb.
Unlike you goons, we don't want them murdered or mutilated. You celebrate Jewish kids and babies being slaughtered by Hamas on Oct. 7th, black babies being aborted by the thousands, and slicing off the genitals of kids, but are up in arms that kids aren't getting healthcare because their parents didn't pay the insurance premiums? Right. As I said above, if you want to pay the insurance premiums for those kids, have at it. I do not.

I :heart; Q
 04/29/2024 10:51 AM
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So murder and mutilation are out but starvation and lack of health care are OK?


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 04/29/2024 10:59 AM
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Originally posted by: johnnyboy So murder and mutilation are out but starvation and lack of health care are OK?
There is an obesity epidemic in this country. No one is starving in this country, unless they want to. They have healthcare too. In this case, their parents didn't pay the premiums. Only a prog could fail to honor their agreement and then gripe about the consequences. Why don't you drop your healthcare for your family and come on NSR and beg for money and see where it gets you.

I :heart; Q
 04/29/2024 12:42 PM
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And another thing, you progs condemn them to horrible schools so you can pad the pockets of teachers' unions. So, to sum up, progs want to kill them before they are born, mutulate them with irreversible surgery, deny them a decent education, and basically deny them any meaningful chance of succeeding in life. On top of that, you want to leave them a country that is broke, experiencing blackouts, and cannot provide them with housing. But you are in an uproar that they might not get free medical care? My ass. Progs don't give a damn about anyone. And judging by your actions, you especially hate children.

I :heart; Q
 04/29/2024 07:52 PM
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Floridians getting fucked from every insurance angle possible, thanks to the GOP.
 04/29/2024 09:17 PM
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Paul sounds particularly stupid in this thread- far beyond his usual above-average stupid.

Get that dome checked dude- there's definitely some amoebas chewing tunnels in there..


Pro Puppy-Killer Party 2024
 04/30/2024 05:03 AM
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Some actions can't be defended, this is one of them. There is no excuse for leaving children defenseless.

I was right.
 04/30/2024 07:00 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole Some actions can't be defended, this is one of them. There is no excuse for leaving children defenseless.
But, in your view, killing infants in ovens is defensible. Not sure we should look to you on the defensible standard, Cole. You are a monster.

I :heart; Q
 04/30/2024 07:10 AM
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Like I've said several times, Pabs is fine with babies being killed as long as they are Palestinian babies blow to bits with American bombs dropped by the zionist terrorists. 15,000 of them in the last 6 months.

His type are in favor of forced birth, but from that moment forward, fuck those babies.

"Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit"
 04/30/2024 07:15 AM
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Like I've said several times, Pabs is fine with babies being killed as long as they are Palestinian babies blow to bits with American bombs dropped by the zionist terrorists.
No, I am very much against Hamas using babies as human shields in an attempt to protect their cowardly asses. You are in favor of it, but no civilized people are. So, you want to kill babies before they are born and, in the unfortunate event that they are born, you want them to be used as human shields. You too are a monster.

I :heart; Q
 04/30/2024 07:26 AM
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You are in favor of it, but no civilized people are.

Other than you, who is saying this?

I was right.
 04/30/2024 08:25 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole You are in favor of it, but no civilized people are. Other than you, who is saying this?
The protesting progs up north are chanting "remember October 7th." As everyone knows, progs have zero deviation in their programming. Thus, all progs support Hamas' attack on innocent Israeli children. You are a prog.

I :heart; Q
 04/30/2024 02:08 PM
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More damaging is the comments "the final solution and kill all Jews and Zionists" which hamas (libtards) supporters scream!!

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 04/30/2024 08:13 PM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

Originally posted by: Cole

You are in favor of it, but no civilized people are.

Other than you, who is saying this?

The protesting progs up north are chanting "remember October 7th." As everyone knows, progs have zero deviation in their programming. Thus, all progs support Hamas' attack on innocent Israeli children. You are a prog.

You are saying there are good Nazis and that you should just grab women by the pussy?

I was right.
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