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Topic Title: Warm Blob' in Pacific to Blame for Wonky US Weather
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Created On: 04/23/2015 08:49 AM
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 04/23/2015 08:49 AM
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"A blob of warm water in the Pacific Ocean may be to blame for some of the bizarre weather in the United States this year, a new study suggests.

From the dry spell in the West to the East Coast's endless snow season, the country has seen its share of weird weather so far in 2015. For that, scientists say, you can thank (or curse) a long, skinny blob in the Pacific Ocean about 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) off the West Coast, stretching all the way from Mexico to Alaska.

"In the fall of 2013 and early 2014, we started to notice a big, almost-circular mass of water that just didn't cool off as much as it usually did. So by spring of 2014, it was warmer than we had ever seen it for that time of year," study co-author Nick Bond, a climate scientist at the University of Washington, said in a statement."

more @ Discovery

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 04/23/2015 12:03 PM
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All I can say is with the surf we have had this spring is BRING ON THE BLOB!

Replace turf grass with native plants that don't need irrigation and synthetic fertilizers or chemicals that can go into our waterways and ocean

 04/23/2015 01:13 PM
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THere's cold water and then there's Pacific surf cold water. I don't know how those guys all do it. I often wonder why they do it.


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