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Topic Title: The Bitch is back, , , , , Cancer
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 07/29/2017 06:04 AM
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I've been debating with myself about whether I should, or should not, post anything about it. Well, figured I might as well; it gives me an outlet and it might let somebody find out something new.

BACKGROUND: I had a touch of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma 5 years ago. Private Health Insurance with United Health Care. A big "lump" started to grow in my right armpit. Had exploratory surgery on August 2, 2012 that found a "bad" lymph node. No problem, "it's the good Lymphoma", very easy to treat and otherwise "cure" with chemo and radiation. I have been "cancer free" since January 2013. The worst thing about it all was that Mrs. Dingpatch had slipped in the kitchen and had a very, very, bad Traumatic Brain Injury. She had been in Holmes for a month and had just been transferred to Sea Pines to learn how to eat again, , , , ,! ME? Quite freaked out.

PRESENT: Well, and as luck would have it, , , , , again, , , , , Mrs. Dingpatch is in a Physical Rehab facility with a badly broken left leg. Back in May some of the Lymph nodes in my neck and throat started "going off". I concentrated on taking care of my wife. And, anyway, , , , the nodes did not hurt and they would swell up like ping-pong balls "here and there" and then "go away". Probably some kind of infection thingy, right?

So, , , , on June 9th I had a regular appointment with my Dermatologist at the Lake Nona VA Medical Center. After the Derm appointment (she burned me with frozen nitrogen in about 9 places) I did a "walk in" at Oncology to see if/when I could see my Oncologist, Dr. G. My lucky day, she had just had a cancellation and could see me in 30 minutes. ", , , , Hi Dingpatch." "Hello Doctor"., , , , "Hmmmmm, you never know, , , , people come in all the time with the same kind of symptoms, but it ends up being an infection, , , ,. But, I'm going to schedule you for some blood work and a P.E.T. scan ASAP to see what's going on.

P.E.T. SCAN: Positron Emission Tomography. I had had 3 of them last time. No Big Deal. Special prep diet: no carbs, sugars, fruit or such, nothing that would be "sugar". They give you an IV of a nuke medicine that has a certain type of sugar that "bad stuff" loves to suck in. Anyway, I get there the morning of June 15th, get undressed (no metals) and get the IV, get the Nuke medicine, wait an hour, then they walk me to the PET room. Fooking WOW! It was like walking into a set for 2001 A Space Odyssey! The whole room was built around, and as part of, the scanner. And it was Big compared to the one at Health First in Melbourne. In Melbourne if you yawned, your elbows would touch the sides of the tube. At the VA, you could stick your elbows all the way out and barely touch the tube! Very pleasant, I fell asleep during the 45 minute scan. When it was done, as we were walking back to the prep room to get me dressed, I commented about the scanner and its room. The nurse said something to the effect of ", , , , ya, they had to delay some of the construction waiting for the machine. Most of the "Cancer Centers" you see advertised on TV will only ever dream of having that scanner, , ,"!!

P.E.T. RESULTS: Doctor G called me that afternoon. Yep, you've got stuff going off all over in you neck and throat. But, do you have any "bad spots" or "bumps" on your skin "here, and there, , ,"? Well, no bumps, but if you are asking about "right here and right there, , ,", those are the spots that were "burned" last week just before I saw you.." "Oh, OK". She said she was going to schedule me for a "Needle Biopsy" ASAP!

More later, Next, the fooking needle biopsies in my throat!!!! I'll wear a diaper for that next time!!!!!

Dora Hates You

Edited: 10/01/2017 at 05:41 AM by dingpatch
 07/29/2017 06:38 AM
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The very best to you and your wife.
 07/29/2017 09:31 AM
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Needle Biopsy: Needle biopsy in my throat!!!??? Shit, but OK!

On July 14th I get to the Lake Nona VA and check in. "Mr. Dingpatch?" Yep. Come with me, we're ready for you. OK (I'm not ready for you)! Take your shirt off and lay down on this nice table (that was covered with towels). OK. Then the nurse proceeded to gel me up and run the ultrasound probe all around my throat and neck; here, there, everywhere. After about 15 minutes of ultrasound the surgeon comes in. We talk some small talk and he says that we are just waiting for the pathology tech to come in. OK, everybody is here, let's start. Another 15 minutes of ultrasound while the surgeon compares the ultrasound to the images from the P.E.T. scan. Well they have all gotten smaller, but this one looks good, , , ,. Now hold on, turn your head that way and be still. You can swallow, but do not swallow hard, , , ,. OK. Here we go. Oh, and, , , when I tell you, you will feel and hear a "click" (the end of the needle takes a little snip of tissue). Oh, fucking goody!! I'm beginning to sweat profusely (the reason for the towels!). Poke, here, wiggle around there. Even though they've given you some pretty good local anesthesia (no sedative!), you still feel all of the pressure and wiggling.The surgeon has the needle device in one hand and an ultrasound probe in the other. He's talking to me as he watches a 27 inch flat screen that's swung in over my head. OK, you ready? Here's the first "click". Click! Fuck! It was very, very, unsettling. The lab tech checked each sample for "quality" before the next one was taken. 4 more "clicks" for a total table time of about 1 1/4 hours and it was done. I was soaking with sweat, could have pee'd my pants and not known it!!! You did really good, Doctor G will let you know the results ASAP.

Now, all-in-all it was not too bad because after all of the picking, poking and skin cancer cutting in the past 10 years, I'm pretty OK with it all. BUT, the fucking "clicking needle" in your throat is borderline freak out. Perhaps in your arm, your belly, Hell, maybe even your balls, it might not be too bad, but not in my fucking throat! If you have never been "picked, poked or cut" you are just going to truly love a needle biopsy.

Yep, and, sure enough, Doctor G called me the afternnon of July 17th. Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma. The "good" and "bad" of that diagnoses will be next.

Dora Hates You

Edited: 10/01/2017 at 05:42 AM by dingpatch
 07/29/2017 04:06 PM
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Sorry to hear it dingpatch.

I'm praying the Lord will heal you and your wife an he will!

 07/29/2017 04:17 PM
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Good thoughts for your recovery, kick that bitch's ass.

So if you are a surfer I wish you the prosperity that allows you more time to pursue the salt water dream, and the true happiness that comes from warm water, clean waves and the companionship of your fellow surfers. If you are an internet troll just spewing bs then f off.
 07/29/2017 06:10 PM
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Chemo Port: So, I went in bright-and-early yesterday (the 28th) to have a chemo port put into my upper right chest. I had one before (left side) so it seemed to be a No Big Deal. The usual surgery prep; nothing to eat or drink after midnight, etc. The usual pre-op stuff there; take of cloths, put on gown and socks, install IV, go through the checklist, name, rank and serial number, etc. Surgeon comes into the cube and asks how I'm doing. He was the one that did the needle biopsy. We go through the procedure and do some small talk. He was going to do the next patient's port and my new guy was still prepping. Also, the same nurse comes in that did the needle thingy and says that she will be my nurse during the procedure. The actual surgeon comes in and explains a couple things. Says that this is not real "surgery", just a "procedure". What? Your taking me into the OR and cutting on me aren't you? Oh ya, but there won't be an anesthetist because they are not going to put me "under"! WTF! No, no, no, no problem, you won't feel a thing. My balls have shriveled up into my throat, but what-the-hell can I do about it now, , , , ,! Anyway, all-is-said-and-done and it is time to wheel me to the OR. Everybody walks off except the nurse. She starts umphing around with the gurney and I ask where all the "big" guys went. She says she don't need them cause once she gets us clear and into the hall, this baby has motorized wheels! Off we go.

Well, I've had surgery at Holmes, the Viera VA and a couple local "outpatient" places but Holy Heck, the Lake Nona ORs are something to see. They are not the usual big rooms that have had OR equipment installed in them, the rooms there are part of the equipment. The floors and ceiling are built with heavy duty tracks built into them. The operating table is built into the floor on it's own tracks and swivels. Again, everything looks 2001 Space Odyssey. I'm paying attention to the techs who are prepping my incision site and such when out of the corner of my left eye I see this very large "black" thing hanging from the ceiling being tracked over towards my left side. It is the biggest flat screen display I've ever seen (lots bigger than anything in Sam's), as long as the operating table. Then, they swing some sort of "scanner" thingy over my head and chest (forgot to ask what the hell it was) and one of the techs stoops down and fiddles with something under the table. They move the table to the left, do some up-downs, and then move it back to the right. OK. ready to go! The surgeon says hello and the techs start to cover me up. The nurse is standing behind my head and asks if I'm OK. Ya, OK. Then she says "OK, time for the I Don't Care". What? I'm going to give you some I Don't Care. What, oh, OK. There, we're almost ready to go, and you won't care. They give me a couple pretty hardy pricks of local, wait a couple minutes and then start cutting. Kind of unsettling because you can feel them pushing and pulling skin and such. The port itself is just under the skin, but it is then connected to your jugular vein!!! Ouch! OK, give him another 125 and 5. I'm guessing that the 125 is the I don't Care, and the 5 is pain med. A couple more Ouches, and a couple more "125 and 5's". Then I realize that the "needles" I'm feeling are actually knife cuts! Well, OK, cause I Don't Care!!!! All-in-all not too bad.

The 'Power Port". Then the lower place is where the port is, the upper is where they connected to my jugular!!!

NEXT: The bone marrow biopsy this coming week. Oh fooking goody! The one 5 years ago was a total piece of work all on its own.

Dora Hates You

Edited: 08/01/2017 at 07:56 PM by dingpatch
 07/30/2017 03:37 AM
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Damn ding....
... show the 'bitch' who is in charge!!

Thoughts and prayers to you and Ms ding

Puerto Rico 11 - 24 - 2013
 07/30/2017 04:43 AM
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Oops! This should have been posted before the Port thingy.

DIAGNOSIS: I went to see Doctor G on Thursday (7/27). Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma. But, But, , , , Doctor G knows exactly which type, kind, class, grade, ABC, 123, whatever, Lymphoma I have now. But she does not have all the definitive, to-the-last-decimal-place, info about the Lymphoma I had before, other than just "Diffuse Large B-cell" so she is waiting on those records before letting me know what/which chemo I'll be going through. Huh? Well, you see, if your new stuff is "different" from the last stuff, we can go ahead with the same chemo you had last time. BUT, if you have the exact same now, well, that would dictate a different, very aggressive, chemo regime! What? I guess the reasoning is that even though it was 5 years ago, and I was declared Cancer Free, the presumption is that the old chemo (R-CHOP) "did not do its job"? So, newer, heavy-weight, cage-match chemo will be needed with possible "in patient" stays. And, the kicker is that the VA does not handle the "aggressive" chemo regime. Out sourced. Fook!!!! So, we are waiting for the old pathology records. But, in-the-mean-time, Doctor G has said "Screw It". We want to get this going ASAP, so regardless of the kind of chemo needed she gave me a direct referral to the "community" for treatment (Melbourne). The VA RN who handles "Community" outsourcing called me on Friday while I was on the table getting the Port. I called her back when I got home. She said that everything had been immediately approved and that the only remaining thing was for me to pick a Center and Doctor. I'll be going back to the original center and Doctor (Health First) from 5 years ago. We should know which chemo by the end of the week. I'll update when I know.

Dora Hates You

Edited: 10/01/2017 at 05:46 AM by dingpatch
 07/30/2017 04:47 AM
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Holy crap, good luck to you and your wife. I Hope in the future your only concern is who is getting the set wave!!

 07/30/2017 06:40 AM
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kick it's ass again ding

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 07/30/2017 07:21 AM
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Well, I'm "out of the water" for now. The Port thingy makes it very hard to lay on a board and paddle. And, once the fooking chemo starts I'll be doing good to make it to the end of the driveway to get the mail, , , ,.

Dora Hates You
 07/30/2017 03:39 PM
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Heavy shit man, but I love your attitude. Keep up the fight.

How is your wife? Severe trauma from a fall in the kitchen. Jeebus man, that's nuts.

I was right.
 07/30/2017 07:02 PM
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Mrs. Dingpatch's current problem is a broken leg. She has more surgery scheduled on it this Friday. She has recovered quite well from the brain injury.

Dora Hates You
 07/31/2017 04:46 AM
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Central Floridave

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B.U.M.M.E.R. Stay strong and get well!
 07/31/2017 06:10 AM
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Ah, damn.  At least you know what you're doing and what to expect.

Adding thoughts and prayers -


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 07/31/2017 07:03 AM
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Fuuuuuuck....If you could see my face while reading that. Dude, I get queasy giving blood. I think I would have to be under for 90% of that! Keep the awesome attitude and strong fighting spirit. I'll keep you in my prayers.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
 07/31/2017 07:31 AM
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I don't know you personally, but I have enjoyed seeing your fins!! Great work!!

Wish you a fast and speedy recovery.

 07/31/2017 10:51 AM
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Wow...that's pretty heavy stuff, hate hearing anyone having to go through what you're going through.

But *thank you* for giving us the details. Hard to read but answers a lot of questions...may even make the process a bit easier if I ever find myself or someone I love in the same place.
 07/31/2017 04:00 PM
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A broken leg...

We need a go fund me to get your wife some bubble wrap suits.

I was right.
 07/31/2017 07:35 PM
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Good luck man. You got this!

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