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Topic Title: Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?
Topic Summary: Fish, manatees, birds. mahi, trout, wahoo? all our wildlife. And destroy our water quality?
Created On: 05/28/2017 04:54 PM
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 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - nukeh2o - 05/28/2017 04:54 PM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - theglide - 05/29/2017 06:24 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Cole - 05/29/2017 06:40 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Fish Killer - 05/29/2017 06:42 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Cole - 05/29/2017 06:43 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Fish Killer - 05/29/2017 06:59 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - scombrid - 05/29/2017 08:14 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - tpapablo - 05/30/2017 07:27 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - spindrift - 05/30/2017 07:42 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - 426Blue - 05/30/2017 08:13 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - scombrid - 05/29/2017 08:33 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Cole - 05/29/2017 08:53 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Cole - 05/29/2017 08:58 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Fish Killer - 05/29/2017 08:27 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Fish Killer - 05/29/2017 08:53 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - nukeh2o - 05/29/2017 01:31 PM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Fish Killer - 05/29/2017 09:20 PM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - Cole - 05/30/2017 05:04 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - tom - 05/30/2017 06:35 AM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - johnnyboy - 05/29/2017 01:52 PM  
 Why do all chumpf dirts want to destroy our environment?   - LBLarry - 05/30/2017 05:02 AM  
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 05/29/2017 08:14 AM
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Enforcement and monitoring budgets are to get slashed in red states and at the EPA level.

I still remember Rick Scott's first executive action to block septic tank inspection and upgrades.

I talk to neighbors about the lagoon. The Trump supporters say that the lagoon is sick because Henry Flagler imported manatees and they ate all the grass. They tell me that the nutrient thing is just liberal nonsense by socialists that are trying to control people's lives. Then they blame causeways and rocket farts after the imported manatees. Then they go dump another 100lbs of nitrogen on 1000 sqare feet of St. Auggie.


 05/30/2017 07:27 AM
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Originally posted by: scombrid Enforcement and monitoring budgets are to get slashed in red states and at the EPA level.


I still remember Rick Scott's first executive action to block septic tank inspection and upgrades.


I talk to neighbors about the lagoon. The Trump supporters say that the lagoon is sick because Henry Flagler imported manatees and they ate all the grass. They tell me that the nutrient thing is just liberal nonsense by socialists that are trying to control people's lives. Then they blame causeways and rocket farts after the imported manatees. Then they go dump another 100lbs of nitrogen on 1000 sqare feet of St. Auggie.


Both sides have their nuts. Some of the bigger nuts on the left, for instance, believe in some sort of grand Russian-Trump conspiracy. No accounting for some people.

Now, regarding the original question, obviously we are not for destroying the environment and that's not going to happen. The prog propaganists put out that kind of stuff to scare their constituencies into donating more money to dems and their prog organizations. Unfortunately, there are plenty of weak-minded progs who fall for this. So, they keep doing it. Mind you, we normal Americans do enjoy seeing this lunatic class go bat shit nuts over this propaganda.



I :heart; Q
 05/30/2017 07:42 AM
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 05/30/2017 08:13 AM
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Take the politicians that you have access to, to task - the local and state ones.  There is no question that empirical data shows that right leaning politics is bad for Florida's air and water quality.  Politicians holding the power in this state continue to largely ignore agriculture and non-pointsource pollution (not to mention climate change)- probably the two biggest sources that continute to be exempt from many state and federal environmental regulations that every other pollution source must follow. 

Vote for state and local leaders committing to aggressively promote and fight for clean air and water.  Considering how most of this County votes, I would not expect improving air and water quality in this area for a long time.  

We have noone but ourselves to blame, regardless of who you voted for for president.


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