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Topic Title: Is Donald Trump Pulling A Nigerian 419 Scam?
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Created On: 02/05/2016 09:40 PM
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 Is Donald Trump Pulling A Nigerian 419 Scam?   - WG - 02/05/2016 09:40 PM  
 Is Donald Trump Pulling A Nigerian 419 Scam?   - Pagerow - 02/08/2016 09:00 AM  
 Is Donald Trump Pulling A Nigerian 419 Scam?   - RustyTruck - 02/08/2016 09:53 AM  
 Is Donald Trump Pulling A Nigerian 419 Scam?   - SlimyBritches - 02/08/2016 11:44 AM  
 Is Donald Trump Pulling A Nigerian 419 Scam?   - cheaterfiveo - 02/09/2016 03:24 PM  
 Is Donald Trump Pulling A Nigerian 419 Scam?   - WG - 02/09/2016 05:23 PM  
 Is Donald Trump Pulling A Nigerian 419 Scam?   - cheaterfiveo - 02/11/2016 08:24 PM  
 Is Donald Trump Pulling A Nigerian 419 Scam?   - steveholloway - 02/11/2016 09:37 PM  
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 02/11/2016 08:24 PM
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Originally posted by: WG

"Donald Trump is being an idiot on purpose.

Now, he might actually be an idiot. This is possible. BUT IF he weren't, then he knows exactly what he is doing. A true game player MUST look at all sides of a story.

Note that after he said these statements his percentage in the Presidential race went from 0% to 12%.

By the way, it's NEVER going to go higher than 30%. But he knows that.

He also knows he has a low chance of winning the Republican nomination for a billion reasons.

So he did a classic marketing strategy. He did the Nigerian 419 scam.

The Nigerian 419 strategy is to have a misspelled email from the son of some deceased Prince who needs all your bank info in order to release $20 million that he will eagerly split with you.

Then he steals all of your money.

Why is the email misspelled? After decades of Nigerians sending the exact same email, why is it always mis-spelled? And, by the way, the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF NIGERIA IS ENGLISH.

There's a simple reason. Anybody in the top 90% of rational people know that a misspelled email coming from a Nigerian prince is a scam.

The Nigerians don't want to deal with those 90%. Even if you sent a perfectly spelled letter with a much more realistic story, those 90% will figure it out. Then the scammer will have wasted his time. He doesn't want to waste time.

He needs to find the 10% that will respond to him really quickly. (Btw, I'm assuming "he" but can also be a "she"). And the 10% that will work.

Does it work? Of course it does. 419-ers made $13 billion last year. And every year.

This is what Donald Trump is doing. And I'm not kidding. I really think he is doing this.

Yes, I have often said that the stock market is a scam (and it is) but that doesn't mean you can't make money by investing...IF you have an advantage!

He is saying the most stupid, most outrageous things because he's immediately filtering out the 90% that will never like him anyway.

The 12% that are left have managed to jump over AMAZING hurdles to keep liking him. Who could possibly like him after this?

There are clearly ZERO other candidates for these 12%. Trump represents exactly what they are thinking and he used the fastest approach possible to identify those 12%.

Because of the Idiot 12% - In the first weeks of February, Trump will come in a respectable, 2nd or 3rd in Iowa, New Hampshire, and definitely South Carolina (which after 150 years finally admitted they belong in the United States and slavery is bad).

Then he will drop out of the race and form a third party. Once he forms a third party, he will be able to raise a ton of money, appease his ego, scam people for the next decade, and enter the next stage of his insane career.

Not to mention drain votes from Republicans, giving himself a target to attack for the next eight years (Hilary Clinton) by effectively deciding the Presidential race.

Which is his goal from the beginning.

Most people do the right thing and ignore the Nigerian 419 scam."

James Altucher

Read the comments on this site.

Actual people discussing stuff, disagreeing.

Little name calling.

That was funny you stayed up all night coming up with that crap

 02/11/2016 09:37 PM
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Oh No. Bad story.

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