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Topic Title: The Hegseth show
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Created On: 01/14/2025 06:47 AM
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 01/15/2025 05:36 AM
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Funny how these people are all acting like Hegseth is the first person to ever have substance abuse and marital problems after returning from a combat zone. If this is the worst that they have on him, then he will be fine. As mentioned by the representative from Oklahoma, a lot of the people throwing rocks at Hegseth are living in glass houses, when it comes to these types of allegations.

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

“End of quote. Repeat the line.” - wise words from Joe Biden

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 01/15/2025 05:51 AM
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>> If this is the worst that they have on him, then he will be fine.<<

I think the the rape and the nondisclosure payment are the worst. Lots of people used to think that rape, or sexual assaults of drunk married women in hotels, were bad. Wrong even.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 01/15/2025 05:55 AM
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Amazing how ridiculous those like hirono and Pocahontas looked, but the best was Kaine after being schooled by the Vet from Ok.!

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 01/15/2025 06:04 AM
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"A drunk, a cheating husband and an accused sexual predator walk into a bar.
The bartender asks, 'Table for one, Mr. Hegseth?' "
--Steven Colbert

(Actually, could've been almost any of the pugs...)


 01/15/2025 06:14 AM
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He is unfit for the job. That's my issue with Hegseth.

I was right.
 01/15/2025 06:58 AM
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Looks like your Hegseth show failed misderably, progs. But take solace in the fact that your pro-slaver senators came off as freakish imbeciles.

I :heart; Q
 01/15/2025 07:00 AM
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Originally posted by: Pagerow "A drunk, a cheating husband and an accused sexual predator walk into a bar. The bartender asks, 'Table for one, Mr. Hegseth?' " --Steven Colbert (Actually, could've been almost any of the pugs...)
Or Ted Kennedy, the "lion of the senate" who you guys revered.

I :heart; Q
 01/15/2025 07:18 AM
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Agreed, Ted Kennedy was a drunk.
Mary Jo paid the price for that.
Hegseth could kill more than one as secdef because of his issues.

Bondi was just sworn in for her hearing.
I don't remember if Hegseth was sworn in to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help him God.
Does anyone know if he was sworn in as bondi was?

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 01/15/2025 07:19 AM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

Looks like your Hegseth show failed misderably, progs. But take solace in the fact that your pro-slaver senators came off as freakish imbeciles.

A drunk, part-time soldier rapist telling 5 Star generals what to do? What could go wrong?

Incompetence at it finest, and I would expect nothing less from Donzo Trump. The perfect choice.

I was right.
 01/15/2025 07:20 AM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

Looks like your Hegseth show failed misderably, progs. But take solace in the fact that your pro-slaver senators came off as freakish imbeciles.

Au contraire mon frère, the show is only just beginning.

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

Denis Diderot

Edited: 01/15/2025 at 07:23 AM by RustyTruck
 01/15/2025 07:48 AM
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It doesn't seem that Hegseth was sworn in during his hearing yesterday and he did not pledge to tell the truth.

Anybody know why that is?

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV

Edited: 01/15/2025 at 08:04 AM by Bamboo
 01/15/2025 07:57 AM
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MAGA really stands for soulless spineless addicts desperate to belong who can't get laid without paying for or forcing it.
They just can't do acronyms.
 01/15/2025 10:14 AM
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This is going to be a short lived victory for the reich. Hegseth will behave predictably and his incompetence will make him feel threatened by the smarter people who have experience there and he will lord over them because of that.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 01/15/2025 10:22 AM
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The Democrat playbook is tired and impotent. Ever notice how they accuse every single person they want to discredit with sexual misconduct but Bill Clinton is still a keynote speaker at every single one of their conventions? Anyone notice the lack of interest on their part when a woman claimed that Biden fingered her against her will?

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

“End of quote. Repeat the line.” - wise words from Joe Biden

“Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer” ~ Rick Sanchez
 01/15/2025 10:38 AM
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Progs cannot even competently smear someone anymore. Maybe they are starting to see the downside of making their minions zombies. We have seen that downside on NSR for years, as the NSR progs seem hell-bound to humiliate themselves in public. One particularly addled prog actually said this -
Biden did a good job.
Hahahaha. Unbelievable, huh?

I :heart; Q
 01/15/2025 03:33 PM
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Hirono and Schitt--dumb and dumber!!

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 01/15/2025 04:21 PM
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Hegseth is beyond unqualified for the job.

* He is clearly without a moral compass, despit all the bible thumping and Jesus name dropping to "hide" it.

* He's got documented substance problems, and has not "gone clean" in any way whatsoever- he allegedly plans to "start" once he has the job LOL try saying that in an interview.

* He's not trustworthy- just ask his wives. Hell, ask his culty glazed-eye subwife that follows him around in about 2-3 years after she's been tossed as well.

* He's a religious zealot. Over the top Christian Crusader. Total red flag.

* He has absolutely no experience running anything on even a med-small scale. The tiny little groups he ran, he mismanaged them into the ground. Disqualifying.

He is a poster child for a terrible nominee. But MAGA and Trump himself love crash and burn losers, and Pugs like the spine-free Joni Ernst (who apparently wants to relive her sexual assault) will just drop drawer and bend over at the slightest threat.

So I think it's hilarious. Not only have the magapugs shown how wimpy they are- too afraid to stand up to even the biggest of loser nominees, but also because now you guys have YET ANOTHER shitshow on your hands.

ETTD - never forget.

Looking forward to Hegseth making a mockery of the US Military in front of the entire world.

Maga vets should be especially proud.

And the soft handed armchair soldiers like Mims Matlock can take comfort in knowing they are full ram members of the biggest pussy party America has ever known.

I think they worry about these trans issues so much because they chopped off their own dicks years ago LOL


So... America's Great Now?

Edited: 01/15/2025 at 04:24 PM by fishkller
 01/15/2025 04:55 PM
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Any indication that he is in recovery or seeking to be a decent person? Nope. Add to that his cozy relationship with Doug Wilson. Yeah. Great a Christianist zealot with unaddressed character defects. Perfect.


 01/15/2025 05:13 PM
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Originally posted by: Sniper

The Democrat playbook is tired and impotent. Ever notice how they accuse every single person they want to discredit with sexual misconduct but Bill Clinton is still a keynote speaker at every single one of their conventions? Anyone notice the lack of interest on their part when a woman claimed that Biden fingered her against her will?

Bahahahahaha. Now this is some funny shit.

Edited: 01/15/2025 at 05:13 PM by gdudewe
 01/16/2025 03:17 AM
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Originally posted by: crankit

And that DEI hire Austin--how long was he MIA? Best thing was neither blunder or hyena missed him!!

Hey, dumb ass. Please explain to me how Hegseth is not a DEI hire?
FORUMS : National Enquirer (FORMERLY NSR) : The Hegseth show

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