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Topic Title: Crankit: On The Record Topic Summary: Created On: 07/28/2024 02:03 PM |
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07/28/2024 02:03 PM
Dude constantly cries about the border and then supports the party that sunk the border bill.
WAAAAAAAA Screaming at the TV, drunk rage-posting before it's lights-out Have another PBR and pass out again, Barry ------------------------- Edited: 07/28/2024 at 03:31 PM by fishkller |
07/29/2024 05:52 AM
They see illegals everyday and don't know the difference. They would have no clue they existed if it wasn't for Right media.
------------------------- I was right. |
07/29/2024 10:27 AM
As with the Griper thread, I believe Dranky has me on ignore (another melted snowflake) so he can't see this thread. Feel free to discuss in this dotard-free zone ------------------------- |
07/29/2024 07:39 PM
What the fuck is this kook rambling about? Who turned off the lights, except the ones on the church, also there are thousands of gods--only one God! ------------------------- |
08/03/2024 11:35 AM
So far blunder/hyena has given up 3 of the most dangerous Russian KGB arms dealers/assassins and 2 other potential terrorists and at least $6Billion for a lesbo basketball player and 2 that deserver release--Trump, no money changed hands, don't forget the Billions (pallets of cash) that odumbo gave Iran! Momentous, world history-making prisoner exchange and all this loser can do is bitch about it? LOL Jesus this snowflake will melt over anything.. but soon he'll have call her President Hyena hahaha ------------------------- Edited: 08/03/2024 at 11:36 AM by fishkller |
08/12/2024 04:46 PM
Since Cranky can't seem to get his unintelligible posts in the right forum.. What are the odds he drunk-votes for Kamala this November? hahaha ------------------------- |
08/13/2024 07:33 AM
I think they were really feeling good with Biden's obvious decline, and now the Kamala coconut dropped right on their heads and American Dad joined the game.
It made their heads spin, and we're seeing the acting out behavior. ------------------------- The American patriot professes love of his country while simultaneously hating 90% of its people. |
08/13/2024 09:28 AM
I think they were really feeling good with Biden's obvious decline, and now the Kamala coconut dropped right on their heads and American Dad joined the game. haha yep.. they've got that huge lump poking out of their heads from the coconut like a Tom & Jerry cartoon ------------------------- |
08/16/2024 07:08 AM
Looks like it's Dranky's turn to panic-post today, so we got this gem: Don't hyena and odumbo have a similar family background--odumbo had a relative who was a Slave trader in his home country Kenya and hyena's relative was the largest slave owner in Jamaica! Yikes, I don't even want to know what Barry's distant relatives were doing around that time (besides fucking each other, obviously) ------------------------- |
08/18/2024 01:16 PM
What do they have in common, harris's uncle was the largest slave owner in Jamaica, obama's relative was a Kenyan slave trader, both schooled by Marxist teachers/relatives! ..and he's at it again with KKK birtherism bullshit. How many hoods does this kkklown have in his dresser? ------------------------- |
08/28/2024 11:03 PM
Anyone think this dullard will ever be able to figure out how to make a link work? I'm in the "no" camp. ------------------------- |
08/29/2024 05:50 AM
Anyone think this dullard will ever be able to figure out how to make a link work? I'm in the "no" camp. A single letter. Just one. lol ------------------------- I was right. |
08/30/2024 05:32 PM
Yeah, but that's a tall order for Bonehead Barry.. ------------------------- |
09/07/2024 09:52 AM
Crankderp STILL can't post a working link?
Even after Cole walked him through it? Christ, it's one single letter.. I think we know who's actually dumb as a stump ------------------------- |
National Enquirer (FORMERLY NSR)
Crankit: On The Record
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